Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Can I Get the Contact Info of Your Boss?"

I had a day trip to Minneapolis today visiting a few clients. At the end of my meeting with Carlson Interactive, my main contact, Laurie Blum, came up to me and asked for my boss's contact information. I was like...OMG...did I do something wrong?? But she quickly explained in front of the entire group that she is nominating me as Carlson's Outstanding Vendor & Partner and wanted to share that with my boss! Whoa! This is my first :) Though I've always had good relationships with my clients, this is really a huge honor because I've only been managing them for about 8 months!!
That really made my day! And the hours delay of my flight coming home didn't seem so bad anymore:)


Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! I am so proud of you!!!

Anonymous said...
