Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bucktown 5K

This is the second year I've been running the Bucktown 5K~
I'm not a runner, and I'm doing it more as a social thing. Since it's only about 3 miles, our group of girls usually run together and then go to brunch at Cafe de Luca after the race. This year, Katie, Jessica, Melissa, Jen, Shannie and I participated. Marie is 8 months pregnant, and Jenn did not even know that she needs to register to run ("oh, you mean we have to pay to run the 5K?" ><).
The star/finish spot is about 4 blocks from our house, so Jeff and Scraps went with me and cheered for me during my run. Yes! They are my biggest fans for everything :)
Though I had to walk a little, I finished in less than 38 minutes. Not bad for a person who never works out! I'm not exaggerating -- I couldn't find my gym shoes this morning, as I haven't worn them in at least 5 months! Ha!

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