Monday, August 4, 2008

Tornados in the City

It's a crazy night with tornado's in the city of Chicago! I had a work dinner to go to, and I hated it. C'mon! It's Monday night. We are all exhausted from the weekend. If you ever lived in Chicago, you know how precious weekends are in the summer. Everyone is out and about...BBQs, Cubs games, Dog beach, Golf Outings, or just hanging out. Many companies offer summer hours on Fridays. Practically no one is in the mood to work on Fridays during these 3 months.

But we were all forced to have dinner tonight with our VP who came into town from New York for a conference tomorrow. It then became a huge group with 13 of us. I guess after dinner started, it was not as bad as I thought it would a chance to meet others from our Reston office.

So glad I'm home now. Looking forward to crawling into bed anytime soon. What's next? A bright and early morning in Navy Pier for a breakfast forum at 7:30 a.m.

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