Sunday, August 3, 2008

Catching up on The New Yorker

So I really need to catch up on my The New Yorker reading....It's already early August, and I'm still reading the mid-June issue. Looking back, the only time I read The New Yorker was when I was on the train going to work and coming home. If I took lunch, I would sit on the lawn by my office building and enjoy my reading. Sometimes before I went to bed I would catch up on some if I didn't already pass out on the couch. If I read in bed, I'd pass out even more quickly.

The thing is I'd rather read slowly than missing any articles. It's a great periodical. It makes politics a fun read. It has topics I would never acquire from any other publications. It has the best short fictions. It educates me about Science, a subject I'm fascinated about but never was good at. It has interesting views on current TV programs, theaters, books, etc.

I can go on and on about The New Yorker. It's one of my favorite subscriptions, and I can't believe I had been missing out till early this year.

Alright, it's time to leave the computer and bury myself in The New Yorker. It has calming effects on me on a Sunday night.

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