Friday, March 20, 2009


To celebrate the "March Birthday Madness" for three of our friends, Katie, Melissa and Jessica, we had a private group dinner at a local deli and grocery store, August. Owned by George and Angie (brother and sister) who were both chefs in their previous lives, August actually much more than just a grocery store. You can find not only the most fresh vegetables, meats and seafood, but also ingredients and seasoning from many parts of the world. But what makes August unique is the owner's generosity to share their culinary experience and special recipes with their customers while making food on the premises for customers to taste. At times, if George sees that you bought a piece of their fresh trout, for example, he would want to know how you want to prepare it and sometimes offer suggestions or alternative recipes for you to try next time.

Another offering at August is meals prepared by the two chefs. For busy professionals in the neighborhood who do not have time to cook dinner, their food is definitely an easy yet delicious alternative. The price for these meals, however, is a little high (around $10 - 15 per entree).

For our Birthday party, we had the whole place to ourselves for a cooking demo and three-course dinner and BYOB. Our appetizer was seared tuna; second course was grilled skate with brown butter; main course was tender loin with mashed potatoes and spinach. We finished up with a cup of coffee and home-made cupcakes by Marie.

Since August is about 1.5 blocks from our house, it was conveniently located for me as well :)


Anonymous said...

下午我跟朋友又去North End喝Latte買意大利甜點,也很滿足哩!現在正吃著Tiramisu...
那家公司,我寫email去,那位小姐自動回復out of town,forward給她的同事,一個郵件被退回,一個不在辦公室!!!整個星期都沒回覆,等那位小姐星期一回去上班我就打電話去問問

周太太 said...

Yum...Tiramisu! Love North End~ It's a bless to be living in Boston!
Let me know if you hear back from the company. I think it would be really fun for us to spend a weekend in London!!